Fertility Boosting Foods

After studying medicine, I trained to become an embryologist, in 2020 I completed my diploma in nutrition. So naturally I was quite interested how nutrition could impact infertility. During studying epigenetics, I became aware of nutrigenomics and how food and nutrition can affect foetal development and have an multigenerational impact. Multiple studies have shown with consistent proper nutrition, some aspects of infertility can be improved.

How can Nutrition help?

 Following a good fertility diet is beneficial for everyone trying to conceive. A study conducted by the University of Surrey concluded that couples with a history of infertility who made changes in their;

·      Lifestyle

·      Diet

·      Nutritional Supplements

 Had an 80% success rate. If you are going for an IVF or ICSI cycle, positive diet and lifestyle changes can improve your chances of success. A good fertility diet will provide the raw materials needed to support healthy egg and sperm development. It can also alleviate hormonal imbalances and reduce inflammation. It usually takes around three months for eggs and sperm to mature, so it makes sense to start a three-month pre-conceptual plan before trying to conceive. Healthy changes to your diet and lifestyle will positively affect your fertility journey no matter what stage you are on. Based on numerous studies a fertility friendly diet is high in fruits, vegetable, nuts and seeds. Fish intake is also important especially those high in Omega 3 like salmon, mackerel, sardines and anchovies. Including more pulses and plant-based foods are helpful. Reducing red meats, especially processed meats can be extremely beneficial. An overall reduction in high fats and high sugar and overly processed foods is recommended.

 Folic Acid

Folic acid can prevent spina bfida and other neural tube defects in your baby. It is essential you get plenty of folic acid before and during your pregnancy. A supplement of 400ug of folic acid fourteen weeks before pregnancy and twelve weeks into pregnancy is strongly recommended. Folic Acid is part of the very important B complex family of vitamins. These are necessary to produce genetic materials DNA and RNA in growing embryo. Together with Vitamin B12 they help ensure baby’s genetic codes are intact. It is recommended to take a vitamin B supplement (especially vitamin B12 if you are vegan) with folic acid.

Zinc and Selenium

These minerals are often associated with male fertility, but as they are important anti-oxidants, they are essential in protecting egg quality and egg DNA. These minerals are primarily found in nuts and seeds, it is encouraged you include a mix of these in your daily diet. Zinc plays a huge part in balancing hormones, and how reproductive hormones oestrogen and progesterone are utilised. It is also involved in thyroid hormone production. Thyroid hormone is a master regulator of hormones hence it is very important especially in fertility. Zinc deficiencies are very common. Great sources of zinc can be found in meat, chickpeas, nuts and seeds. One thing to note is Zinc cannot be properly digested if you are on Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) to help with gastric reflux or ulcers. If you are vegan try soaking, sprouting or fermenting pulses and beans before consumption to increase the zinc content. The best source of selenium is Brazil nuts. Just one Brazil nut has the required daily recommended allowance. Selenium is also found in eggs, shellfish, fish, chicken and meat.

Vitamin C and E

These are crucial antioxidants, especially in women of advanced age.. Egg quality is a major concern as one starts to age. Egg quality is a major factor in the success of both natural and assisted conception. Vitamin E supports a healthy womb lining to develop. One study showed that taking 1000mg Vitamin E daily, helped improve endometrial thickness for women who have thin endometrium. Vitamin C is found in fresh fruits, especially citrus fruit. I recommend aiming for two portions of fruit and five portions of vegetables daily. Vitamin E is found in almonds, avocados, sunflower seeds, salmon, sweet potatoes, olives and olive oil.

Omega 3

These essential fats have an effect on every system in the body, including the reproductive system as they are essential for healthy hormone function. They also play a role in controlling inflammation which may affect obtaining and maintaining a pregnancy. Eating two portions of oily fish a week are recommended, if you do not consume fish, a supplement containing over 500mg of EPS and DHA is beneficial.

Amino Acids

 Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are found in all foods containing protein. Some amino acids like l-arginine can support blood flow to endometrium. A study where participants took 6g of L-arginine daily was found to significantly improve endometrial blood flow and thickness. A healthy endometrium with high endometrial receptivity is necessary for the successful implantation and maintenance of pregnancy.

Vitamin D

 Conception rates increase during the summer which suggest a role for Vitamin D in fertility. There are Vitamin D receptors in ovaries and uterus. However, be careful with Vitamin D supplementation as they are fat soluble and can accumulate in fat and become toxic.

Coenzyme Q10

 Coenzyme Q10 is an important antioxidant in preserving egg quality, especially as women get older. Taking CoQ10 for three months prior to fertility treatment has shown to improve outcomes.

Reducing Caffeine

There has been evidence showing that caffeine especially in the form of coffee reduces fertility. According to one study, drinking as little as one cup of coffee a day can reduce your chances of conceiving. Drinking two or more cups of coffee increases risk of miscarriage. Limiting and reducing caffeine intake during prenatal period is strongly recommended.


Alcohol consumption cuts down fertility by half. Reducing or cutting alcohol in prenatal care period is highly recommended. Once pregnancy is achieved stopping alcohol completely is a must. If you are undergoing assisted conception and taking medications it is also recommended to avoid it completely.


 Smoking has been linked to infertility in both men and women. It can also bring on early menopause. You will need to completely stop during pregnancy so it is worthwhile to try and to quit during pre-conceptual care period.


Moderate exercise is excellent for weight management, stress reduction and maintaining hormonal balance. While pregnant it is recommended to keep up a similar moderate exercise regimen. To reduce stress, try less vigorous forms of exercise such as Pilates and yoga. Walking and swimming are also great forms of exercise. If you cannot go out because of weather or limited time, there are lots of amazing  exercise videos on YouTube.


Stress is the number one enemy when it comes to fertility. Meditation and mindfulness can help reduce stress. Stress can alter cortisone levels, which can negatively affect fertility and increase the chance of miscarriage. Vitamin B and Magnesium can help regulating cortisol levels. Small lifestyle changes you can practice to regulate cortisol levels include, regular meals and not going too long between meals to keep blood sugar and cortisol levels stable. Snack on nuts and seeds and switch from refined carbs to wholegrain. Try to get plenty of sleep and you might find guided meditation audiobooks useful.



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ii Rafraf M et al, 2012, J Am Coll Nutr, Oct;31(5):361 – 8

iii Aksoy,Y. et al, 2006, Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, Aug, 75(2), 75 – 79.

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Eating to improve egg quality